Temporary staffing made simple with a touch of a button

With just one click...

  • Send shift information to all workers instantly
  • See all shifts in real-time with clarity on which shifts are and aren't filled
  • Workers can confirm their availability or decline a shift

Planning & scheduling

Allocate jobs, reorganise shifts and have a global view of your workforce. Communicate bookings in a click by SMS, email and in-app messaging. Workers confirm within the app, cutting down on long ring rounds.

Optimize workforce
Post Shifts Warrington Hirer-end-client

Candidate management

Candidates register online, cutting out paperwork, increasing face time with consultants and speed to fill. Store worker info securely, and retain a complete audit trail of your data and activities in line with GDPR.

Let's talk
Shift Template Rates Hirer-end-client

Time & attendance

Electronically generated timesheets improve accuracy and bring cost savings. Instantly calculate pay and charge for all your workers. Built to handle all types of complex overtime and rate configurations.

Cut the chaos


Configurable dashboards and custom reporting gives you data-driven insights into performance and spend. Share with your clients to help you align your objectives more effectively.

Know your data